Free Shipping available on Replacement Mesh/Spline in the Continental USA

Please provide your tank information or previous order number in the cart comments section. Enough mesh and spline will be provided to do one lid panel twice. The mesh and spline is designed for replacement on Kraken Reef lids only and may not be compatible with other manufacturers lids. Kraken Reef is not responsible for any damage caused when following these guidelines.
Items Needed (as pictured below):
Mesh (provided with kit)
Spline (provided with kit)
Spline roller (available here)
Butter knife (must have blunt tip)
X-Acto knife or similar
Getting started...
Remove your old mesh and spline and wash off your lid. Layout the clean towel on your table to provide protection for your lid. Place your lid with the top side facing down. Lay your mesh over your lid and ensure the mesh is larger than the mesh track.
Place the longest length of the lid closest to you. Line up the mesh grid along the longest length of the lid.
Insert one end of the spline in the bottom right corner of the spline track with the remainder of the spline on the left side. Use the butter knife to press the end of the spline into the track.
Spline after the end is started in track.
Using the spline tool (with the single edge roller) start to work the spline into the track.
Note: Do not use the double edge roller.
Ensure the mesh is straight to the lid while rolling the spline into place.
Continue rolling the spline into the track for the remainder of the length, ensuring the mesh is square to the edge.
Using the butter knife, work the spline around the corner while ensure the next length of track and mesh are straight.
Continue to install the spline into the remainder of the track using the instructions above. Note: Do not pull too tight on the mesh, as it can cause mesh breakage. Short sections of the spline during install can be pulled back up and adjusted.
When you get back to the starting point, you will have something that resembles this.
Pull up on the spline at the starting point slightly.
Trim the end of the spline to fit into the tracks gap.
Install end of mesh using previous instructions.
Trim excess spline at start and install back into track.
Home stretch...
Now its time to trim the excess mesh. Use EXTREME CAUTION while trimming, a slip of the knife can scratch or damage your lid! To trim the mesh, you will place the tip of your X-Acto knife or similar between the spline and outside track wall.
While holding the excess mesh, slowly cut away the excess mesh while applying pressure. Note: Take your time here and it will pay off in a couple minutes!
Once the excess mesh has been completely trimmed, clean up any loose items and you are DONE! Great job and enjoy your Kraken Reef lid for years to come.
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